Wednesday, December 6th 2023

Set Your Calendars: Windows 12 is Coming in June 2024 with Arm Support and AI Features

Microsoft is preparing a big update for its Windows operating system. Currently at version 11, the company is gearing up for the launch of Windows 12, which is supposed to bring a monumental shift in the tectonic plates of the regular PC user experience. Enhanced by AI, the Windows 12 OS should utilize many features like generative AI, large language models, some GPT integration, and many other tools that could benefit AI, like photo editors. The confirmation for the Windows 12 launch coming in 2024 is sourced from the Taiwanese Commercial Times, which analyzed comments from Barry Lam, the founder and chairman of PC contract manufacturer Quanta, and Junsheng (Jason) Chen, the chairman and chief executive of Acer.

Both of them underscored the importance of AI and that AI PCs are coming with the next version of Windows. Supposedly, the launch date for Windows 12 is set for June 2024. In that timeframe, hardware vendors should roll out their SoCs embedding AI processing elements at every silicon block. Qualcomm is set to debut its Snapdragon Elite X SoCs in mid-2024, aligning with the alleged release schedule of Windows 12. With more players like NVIDIA, AMD, and others planning to utilize an Arm instruction set for their next-generation PC chips, we expect to see Windows 12 get full-fledged support for Arm ISA and treat it like a first-class citizen in the OS.
Sources: Commercial Times (Taiwanese), PC World
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163 Comments on Set Your Calendars: Windows 12 is Coming in June 2024 with Arm Support and AI Features

I won't give linux a chance until it has reached the point where you can 100% use it without ever having to use the terminal or command line, i.e. all programs will install themselves with the click of a mouse....can any of our Linux fans out there answer that, is it possible to use Linux yet without having to use the terminal?

I dunno how about you. But there are a lot of stuff in windows, that require cmd or even powershell to be used. At least for my own needs.

Whoever made the UI design in Windows 10, must be fired and never hired again.
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
r9Stop whining already ... none of you will move to Linux.
Honestly the dual boot route is the way to go for beginners. Mint is the easiest and most complete distro for newbies. You can use Winblows for all of the terrible unoptimized AAA games that you beta test for $79 and use Mint for everything productive in your life.
Posted on Reply
Oh dear, I never thought the day would come that I would genuinely be looking to pack my bags haha.

Now what do I do with things like adobe software? That I actually use enough to warrant "needing" them, or games like D2, maybe I'll have to move to setting up virtual machines.

Maybe I'll start by making a linux partition and seeing how nice that plays
Posted on Reply
I just upgraded to windows 11 1,5 years ago, I'll leave it at that for the coming years....

My next windows upgrade , maybe around 2026.

Unless GTA VI won't run on 11... But that's highly unlikely..
Posted on Reply
Space Lynxthey extended security updates for windows 10 until October 2028. you just have to pay out of pocket for, not sure how much it will cost, but I am staying on 10 until October 2028 personally. then im going to SteamOS desktop, which should be out by then.
Valve is actually making SteamOS for desktop? I am having a hard time finding a statement, so if you have a source at hand then please slide it over, I actually want it to be the case
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
theoutoValve is actually making SteamOS for desktop? I am having a hard time finding a statement, so if you have a source at hand then please slide it over, I actually want it to be the case

sauce is so good with spaghetti
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivI won't give linux a chance until it has reached the point where you can 100% use it without ever having to use the terminal or command line, i.e. all programs will install themselves with the click of a mouse....can any of our Linux fans out there answer that, is it possible to use Linux yet without having to use the terminal?
Yes, most modern distros can be used without using a terminal, even installing programs that are not in the "store" can usually be done by downloading and running the package version.
The only time you're forced on the terminal is to modify some core parts of the systems, but then again even in windows you would use the terminal or registry editors and other "unfriendly" programs.

With that said don't be too afraid of the terminal, the most a normal user would do with it is "sudo apt install x".
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivI won't give linux a chance until it has reached the point where you can 100% use it without ever having to use the terminal or command line, i.e. all programs will install themselves with the click of a mouse....can any of our Linux fans out there answer that, is it possible to use Linux yet without having to use the terminal?
Been using Peppermint since Win 10 came out and I haven't had to use the terminal line once.
Current version I'm using is Peppermint 10 and it's almost identical to using Windows, plus I've never had issues with drivers (Yet), all I have works just fine and that's even with newer hardware such as an AM4 based setup.
No USB issues or anything else to mention.
Posted on Reply
theoutoOh dear, I never thought the day would come that I would genuinely be looking to pack my bags haha.

Now what do I do with things like adobe software? That I actually use enough to warrant "needing" them, or games like D2, maybe I'll have to move to setting up virtual machines.

Maybe I'll start by making a linux partition and seeing how nice that plays
if you mean Diablo 2 I believe it's already possible with the compatibility layer (resurrected as well), for other games you'll have to check individually but as long as they don't use some intrusive anticheat system it should be possible (with varying results).
Posted on Reply
progsteif you mean Diablo 2 I believe it's already possible with the compatibility layer (resurrected as well), for other games you'll have to check individually but as long as they don't use some intrusive anticheat system it should be possible (with varying results).
If only I meant diablo 2 lol, I meant Destiny 2, which uses battleye (which should be possible, but bungie is stubborn), then I also have the cod games, which one half is on and the other is gated by the anti cheat.
Thank fuck for dual booting being possible
Posted on Reply
Steevo already pushing SAAS and we no longer own the OS, just the use of it until.l they decide we shouldn't.
Posted on Reply
r9Stop whining already ... none of you will move to Linux.
Linux will move to us. The Steam deck has already proved that Windows isn't needed for a top-tier gaming experience and the fact the Steam deck is unquestionably the best handheld console despite the hardware advantages of things like the Ally and Legion proves just how far Microsoft are behind the curve in terms of software. Software is the only thing the Deck has going for it, yet it completely trounces the competition even with its inferior screen, processor, GPU, and battery. The PS5 doesn't run Windows either, and the PS5 has won the console war this generation by a sales landslide victory of something ridiculous like 2:1!

If the only thing tying people to Windows is gaming support, that bastion is being eroded faster than I can look up the numbers for it.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
Chrispy_Linux will move to us. The Steam deck has already proved that Windows isn't needed for a top-tier gaming experience and the fact the Steam deck is unquestionably the best handheld console despite the hardware advantages of things like the Ally and Legion proves just how far Microsoft are behind the curve in terms of software. Software is the only thing the Deck has going for it, yet it completely trounces the competition even with its inferior screen, processor, GPU, and battery.
yep, there is only one issue holding me back from Linux permanently, and that is my love for Final Fantasy XIV and a few other games that are Windows only.

FFXIV can be played on Linux, but its not as easy as other games to get working I hear.
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Their next Vista. People who are bad at using computers already know to use Apple.
Posted on Reply
Easy RhinoDouble the ads and spyware.
You can always switch off those components that you do not need. There are tools out there.
Posted on Reply
Yeah variations of twelveforum domains have already been saved lol
Hell if linux was all that good I'd still be using it

Gave up once OBS studio showed flicking on recordings but not watching them live so the learning/ troubleshooting is just to damn much
Maybe it will change in a few years who knows what steam will do by then
I've given linux mint a couple chances and came up short each time.
Posted on Reply
umeng2002Their next Vista. People who are bad at using computers already know to use Apple.
Apple? No thanks. It's the most anti-consumer hardware platform in the world. You can't upgrade anything on your own. And when you want to add 16GB of RAM or 1TB SSD, they will take the skin off your body and charge you extortionate prices. Nonsense.
Posted on Reply
Tek-CheckApple? No thanks. It's the most anti-consumer hardware platform in the world. You can't upgrade anything on your own. And when you want to add 16GB of RAM or 1TB SSD, they will take the skin off your body and charge you extortionate prices. Nonsense.
Not sure on the upgrade part but they do let you swapout batteries and maybe broken screens at their stores.
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivI won't give linux a chance until it has reached the point where you can 100% use it without ever having to use the terminal or command line, i.e. all programs will install themselves with the click of a mouse....can any of our Linux fans out there answer that, is it possible to use Linux yet without having to use the terminal?
Zorin I believe you don't but it is not free and I was surprised how much it went up lol
It used to be like
Zorin OS - Home
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivI won't give linux a chance until it has reached the point where you can 100% use it without ever having to use the terminal or command line, i.e. all programs will install themselves with the click of a mouse....can any of our Linux fans out there answer that, is it possible to use Linux yet without having to use the terminal?
I cant use windows without using command line. Adjusting bcdedit and the like.

There is point and click package management as well as admin, depends if the UI is configured right and the appropriate packages installed for it, I havent needed to use command line on steam deck.

Windows 11 launched 2021, so looks like we have now roughly a 3 years release schedule, horrible. :(

It usually takes me 3-5 years to decide if I want to move to a newer Windows OS now, as I wait for the kinks to be ironed out and such, but it seems Microsoft now want to be in a constant new OS mode. Wish was an easy way to bump 10 21H2 to IoT license.
Posted on Reply
Easy RhinoDouble the ads and spyware.
Double the bugs for turning crapware off to :/
Posted on Reply
Fancy BS buzzword hype. Wake me up when they release a regular patch that doesn't break anything else...
P4-630AI powered!
- Hey, ChatGPT, please don't install updates while I'm using the PC!
- I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that. But check this ad in your start menu instead!
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