Monday, July 7th 2008

NVIDIA Plans to Nuke R700
NVIDIA Plans to Nuke R700?
Let's face it, the ATI RV770 and its derivatives have become a rage. Everybody loves this chip and wants a card based on this, be it the card that made NVIDIA slash their prices, the HD4850 or the HD4870 which rivals the GeForce GTX 260 at a decent price. In surveys conducted by several websites, be it TweakTown or, majority community members chose ATI as a brand over NVIDIA, rougly indicating that the HD4000 series has done an excellent repair job with ATI and its brand value.
Nothing (exciting) is going NVIDIA's way these days, their notebook graphics division has taken a beating over the recent faulty parts issue. The NVDA stock is a little volatile at the stock market these days, after the company announced it predicts weaker earnings this quarter financial year. Here's something to ponder: If NVIDIA predicts weaker earnings, how come talks are they have something to counter the R700, which AMD already made statements about, saying it will "overwhelm the GeForce GTX 280"?
NordicHardware reports that something is in the making from NVIDIA, while not exactly sure, it just could be a 55nm fab processed GPU, could be G200b (55nm die-shrunk GeForce GTX 280?). While unreliable sources have always been pointing that NVIDIA has a very shallow roadmap for the time-being, and that we can't expect something revolutionary anytime soon, contradictory reports already followed, again from NordicHardware in a report that NVIDIA could release DirectX 10.1 GPU's by late Q4 2008 to spring 2009, but a point we would have ignored then but holds the key to this news is "NVIDIA could implement GDDR5 memory within 2008". How come they didn't mix the GDDR5 bit with the late-Q4 '08 early Q1 '09 for DX 10.1 GPU part? Does it imply that in the very near future we could just see a current generation NVIDIA GPU with GDDR5 memory? So could the new product NVIDIA reveals sometime in September be the one that's a die-shrunk G200 with GDDR5 memory? Time will tell. What can be said for sure is that NVIDIA is not in a comfortable position right now, definitly not with the R700 dressing up to go to office.With inputs from NordicHardware
Let's face it, the ATI RV770 and its derivatives have become a rage. Everybody loves this chip and wants a card based on this, be it the card that made NVIDIA slash their prices, the HD4850 or the HD4870 which rivals the GeForce GTX 260 at a decent price. In surveys conducted by several websites, be it TweakTown or, majority community members chose ATI as a brand over NVIDIA, rougly indicating that the HD4000 series has done an excellent repair job with ATI and its brand value.
Nothing (exciting) is going NVIDIA's way these days, their notebook graphics division has taken a beating over the recent faulty parts issue. The NVDA stock is a little volatile at the stock market these days, after the company announced it predicts weaker earnings this quarter financial year. Here's something to ponder: If NVIDIA predicts weaker earnings, how come talks are they have something to counter the R700, which AMD already made statements about, saying it will "overwhelm the GeForce GTX 280"?
NordicHardware reports that something is in the making from NVIDIA, while not exactly sure, it just could be a 55nm fab processed GPU, could be G200b (55nm die-shrunk GeForce GTX 280?). While unreliable sources have always been pointing that NVIDIA has a very shallow roadmap for the time-being, and that we can't expect something revolutionary anytime soon, contradictory reports already followed, again from NordicHardware in a report that NVIDIA could release DirectX 10.1 GPU's by late Q4 2008 to spring 2009, but a point we would have ignored then but holds the key to this news is "NVIDIA could implement GDDR5 memory within 2008". How come they didn't mix the GDDR5 bit with the late-Q4 '08 early Q1 '09 for DX 10.1 GPU part? Does it imply that in the very near future we could just see a current generation NVIDIA GPU with GDDR5 memory? So could the new product NVIDIA reveals sometime in September be the one that's a die-shrunk G200 with GDDR5 memory? Time will tell. What can be said for sure is that NVIDIA is not in a comfortable position right now, definitly not with the R700 dressing up to go to office.With inputs from NordicHardware
60 Comments on NVIDIA Plans to Nuke R700
- Christine
I really think Nvidia didnt expect this, and there is no way to counter ATI on the short term cause even the GTX280 while overly expensive is going to be the fastest card on the market for only 2 months for when the 4870x2 is out, with really no reason to buy either a GTX260 or 280 cause ATI has a card in all those performance brackets that perform better for less money.
- Christine
Its obvious that no one GPU will beat this thing. If they want to shoot themselves in the other foot as well then I welcome them to do so. A GX2 derivative of the g200b might be possible but its still just hearsay. It also won't be economical for NV to do that one bit but if they want the crown back that badly then oh well. But it will do them no good to have it cost $800-1000 when the thing they're trying to beat only cost $500. The monotony is starting to get very old.
bit-tech was an analysis, nordic was hearsay. I don't consider analysis or hearsay "news" Intel Larrabee Capable of 2 TFLOPs thats news.
- Christine
- Christine
Lets hope GPUDEFCON doesnt happen :laugh:
Anyway, AMD with their RV7xx GPUs, you have to rememeber there wasnt a huge amount of R&D into it due to the fact that its a tweaked R600; it would be natural to expect AMD is nearing completing the R800s.
i cannot afford it....
It is rumors. ;)