Thursday, March 16th 2017

Microsoft Locks System Updates for Windows 7, 8.1 on Ryzen, Kaby Lake Systems
It would seem Microsoft is ever looking for more creative ways of pushing its Windows 10 operating system towards the masses. Some Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users have apparently encountered one of these: a lock on system updates. The error message, which reads "Your PC uses a processor that isn't supported on this version of Windows", points towards a hardware lock-in in exchange for added security and updates.
A Microsoft Support page sheds some light on this issue: that Windows 10 is the only Microsoft operating system to support particular hardware configurations. Namely, systems based on Intel's "seventh (7th)-generation processors or a later generation" (Kaby Lake); "AMD seventh (7th)-generation ("Bristol Ridge") processor or a later generation"; and "Qualcomm "8996" processor or a later generation". This move on Windows 7 might make some sense; however, Windows 8.1 is still in its lease of life (and Microsoft support) until at least 2018.
Microsoft Support
A Microsoft Support page sheds some light on this issue: that Windows 10 is the only Microsoft operating system to support particular hardware configurations. Namely, systems based on Intel's "seventh (7th)-generation processors or a later generation" (Kaby Lake); "AMD seventh (7th)-generation ("Bristol Ridge") processor or a later generation"; and "Qualcomm "8996" processor or a later generation". This move on Windows 7 might make some sense; however, Windows 8.1 is still in its lease of life (and Microsoft support) until at least 2018.
116 Comments on Microsoft Locks System Updates for Windows 7, 8.1 on Ryzen, Kaby Lake Systems
So much for MS support!
You pay for this pos OS and are to receive updates as long as m$ supports the OS. They're defrauding customers. There's no technical reason.
I bet it doesn't say this if I install windows 8 on a pentium 1 (assuming I had enough ram).
Your choice to stay on 7 or 8 is entirely your own.
Nonetheless this 'no 7/8 support for new CPUs' is a complete non issue regardless, for 18-20 EUR you've got yourself a new license for 10, and the idea that you need to stay on 7 or 8 for whatever reason makes no sense when you build a new system.
It may also be worth noticing that the official support for 7 has already ended in 2015 and for 8 will end in 2018, all it gets now is 'extended' support which means critical security patches and that is all.
And here is the kicker: Microsoft has a best-in-business support cycle for its OS versions.
The reason doesn't matter. You paid for it meaning you can use on the hardware you want. We should start killing phone apps if you don't buy a new phone to run them on.
Also, you can install without NX, but that's not the point. You're side stepping the point.
You paid for a Windows VERSION number with a LIMITED support period of which in the case of 7, that support ended two years ago. It's really that simple.
Also, your phone app analogy is extremely flawed. There are TONS OF APPS that do not work unless you update your Android OS. And many, MANY phones don't get Android OS updates, hell this is one of the primary criticisms Android has always siuffered from, and one of the main reasons my phone is a Nexus 5 which gets stock Android directly from Google itself.
That is also why I said that Microsoft's lifecycle policy is one of the best in the business. And it really is, only MacOSX comes close to it. And when you look at W7 enterprise and embedded, it is truly unsurpassed. The only other OS in the world with a longer lfecycle is Linux, which is community driven for the most part.
Last, no need to get all touchy and personal at all....
Full support VS Extended (security only)
Windows XP 14 april 2009 8 april 2014
Windows Vista 10 april 2012 11 april 2017
Windows 7* 13 januari 2015 14 januari 2020
Windows 8 9 januari 2018 10 januari 2023
Now, we could have a debate on dropping the support for 8, but when it comes to 'is this illegal'.... I strongly doubt you'll get Microsoft convicted because of all the reasons I posted earlier.
Vayra86, I put custom roms in my G900T, the One thing I can't stand is AOSP gui, it's too basic and seems limited on functionality, feels like iOS.
Not surprising since Win10's numbers have slowly been decreasing lately, Ryzen should have boosted them, but with the reports that it is faster in Win7 it may have lead people away.
Do us a favor and stop defending these assholes, mmkay?
Besides, someone will come up with an easy work around available really fast..
It's becoming more and mroe difficult to trust MS when it comes to updates.