Thursday, March 16th 2017

Microsoft Locks System Updates for Windows 7, 8.1 on Ryzen, Kaby Lake Systems

It would seem Microsoft is ever looking for more creative ways of pushing its Windows 10 operating system towards the masses. Some Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users have apparently encountered one of these: a lock on system updates. The error message, which reads "Your PC uses a processor that isn't supported on this version of Windows", points towards a hardware lock-in in exchange for added security and updates.

A Microsoft Support page sheds some light on this issue: that Windows 10 is the only Microsoft operating system to support particular hardware configurations. Namely, systems based on Intel's "seventh (7th)-generation processors or a later generation" (Kaby Lake); "AMD seventh (7th)-generation ("Bristol Ridge") processor or a later generation"; and "Qualcomm "8996" processor or a later generation". This move on Windows 7 might make some sense; however, Windows 8.1 is still in its lease of life (and Microsoft support) until at least 2018.
Source: Microsoft Support
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116 Comments on Microsoft Locks System Updates for Windows 7, 8.1 on Ryzen, Kaby Lake Systems

R-T-BThat there is some plain old BS. Can't wait until they add Skylake to the list. :rolleyes:
Lets hope Microsoft doesn't change their mind about supporting Skylakes to the end of Win7.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BFrom the perspective of simply issuing security updates? No, not really.
I would say it pretty much depends on what the security updates fixes.
Another bug in IE? Probably does not matter. Something that talks with hardware? Very much so.
I still fail to see the reason for outrage. Don't do unsupported stuff. Kaby Lake and Ryzen are NOT supported with W7. Do you really thing MS needs support requests about someones failed computer because he thought he knew better?
I already saw one post in SCCM (MS computer management software) subreddit about someone trying to make Win7 work on Kaby Lake and asking for help in regards for drivers (which will never come). Why? To have even more issues in the future?
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
ShihabyoooYou and all of those who google their KBs before applying. I'm starting to wonder if anyone but that guy checks everything that comes out of Wupdate!

Still, I doubt that that would help, thanks to the "convenience" of update rollups.
I'm one of the few apparently that looks up the kb articles for each update.
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exodusprime1337The butt hurt is real in this thread. Entertaining.. butt real. lol
People making valid points = butthurt? o_O
Posted on Reply
That some next level BS from M$ and I'm pretty sure it's illegal in some places.
Pentium IIs didn't meet W7s minimun specs nor had the same "support" at all yet they didn't lock them... Seems like they didn't learn that forcing shit down people's throat doesn't work
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I don't understand all the bitching about win 10, I don't mind it, and just disable all the crap.

Maybe you should all just stick to vista.
Posted on Edit | Reply
tiggerI don't understand all the bitching about win 10, I don't mind it, and just disable all the crap.

Maybe you should all just stick to vista.
Most people don't hate windows 10, it is a good operating system. What people do hate is microsoft's constant bull crap. If a half decent company owned the windows operating system and simply stopped being dicks that alone would increase windows 10 adoption by a large amount.
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That is the biggest load of BS ive ever seen come out of MS, this is just another reason im starting to really hate MS. Let the law suits begin!
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ASUS Crosshair VI originally showed drivers for 7, 8.1 and 10 since I purchased it on 2nd of march. As of yesterday it is only showing drivers for 10. And here I was about to do fresh install of Windows 8.1 while waiting for bigger m.2 to ship.

But they still have Windows 7/8.1 drivers and software available for Z270 series maybe because they are compatible with Skylake series.

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Semi-Retired Folder
Simple solution, don't use outdated OSes. Problem solved.
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newtekie1Simple solution, don't use outdated OSes. Problem solved.
Windows 8/8.1 isnt outdated, no OS is outdated really the ONLY reason there "classed" as out dated is because MS has made them outdated, simple.

MS need to fix this issue as its already been confirmed that Ryzen works just fine on 7/8/8.1, and the drivers are there from all motherboard venders also. (I just checked yesterday)
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Semi-Retired Folder
MelvisWindows 8/8.1 isnt outdated, no OS is outdated really the ONLY reason there "classed" as out dated is because MS has made them outdated, simple.
Once there is a better new version out, the OS is outdated.
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newtekie1Once there is a better new version out, the OS is outdated.
Then I guess most of us are still waiting for that better OS to come out
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
MelvisThat is the biggest load of BS ive ever seen come out of MS, this is just another reason im starting to really hate MS. Let the law suits begin!
For what? From a business point of view, continuing to support a never ending stream of products on an old OS doesn't make sense. It costs tie, personnel, money and resources that could be better applied elsewhere.
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rtwjunkieFor what? From a business point of view, continuing to support a never ending stream of products on an old OS doesn't make sense. It costs tie, personnel, money and resources that could be better applied elsewhere.
Exactly. You can't allocate resources to keep 10 year old products working optimally with new stuff.

What I don't understand is how these people accept the Win 7 handicap. When I build a system I want it to be able to do anything well. How can you build a new system then put a 10 year old OS on it? "Sorry guys, I have old OS can't run that." "No, does it have an old Win7 version?" "Hmmmm... let me see if there is a Win 7 hotfix!" Windows 7 was a great OS. But it is dated now, MS has bugged it out, and it is slow. I use both (notebook W7, desktop W10).
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rtwjunkieFor what? From a business point of view, continuing to support a never ending stream of products on an old OS doesn't make sense. It costs tie, personnel, money and resources that could be better applied elsewhere.
Well that doesnt add up with Windows 10 then as it was a free upgrade for a whole yr, I cant see them making any money of a OS that was free for 12months? and it takes yrs of work and development to make a new OS. They could of spent all that money/time on just continuing on with the current OS's and be way infront, its pretty clear that W10 wasnt as big success as they wanted it to be, otherwise there be over 50% using it, and there just isnt.

@ ssdpro I have found that to be the opposite way around, its more like oh you have W10? sorry that software wont work on that OS, pretty much EVERYTHING works on 7, but no not on 10, hell I got software from 2013 that wont work on 10, disgusting. People pay for expensive software from only a few yrs ago and then find out it wont work on 10, guess what, they will stick with an older OS as its cheaper.
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A company, that was founded on dishonest and dirty business practices, continues to participate in dishonest and dirty business practices.

ManofGodOh, I also noticed that there is no news story about how Windows 7 updates are now working extremely fast. In fact, they are faster than I have ever seen them before but, I guess that does not paint MS in a negative light now, does it?
Didn't Microsoft intentionally cripple the updates, in order to try and get people to upgrade to Windows 10? I think that's been the common sense consensus.
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TheGuruStudThe reason doesn't matter. You paid for it meaning you can use on the hardware you want.
Not true.

You paid for an OS that supported a specific set of hardware - not everything that will come out in the future (not even everything existing at the moment of OS release).
Windows can (both technically and legally) block updates on a new platform (they didn't for the older ones).
Posted on Reply
notbWindows can (both technically and legally) block updates on a new platform (they didn't for the older ones).
As long as it functions fine, why bother with updates, most M.S. updates seem to cause issues, which then needs more updates.
From my viewpoint the O.S. should only need a firewall and decent anti-virus if it is running fine.
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DethroyBollocks. Windows 7's mainstream support did end on 01/13/2015. Therefore MS doesn't have to provide the necessary code, drivers or whatever is needed to run Ryzen on Windows 7. Microsoft has never lied to you, let alone betrayed its users in this regard. No, people are simply in denial, when in fact MS informs users years in advance.
Windows 8.1 is a different story though. Its mainstream support lasts until 01/09/2018.
I very well know when the mainstream support ended, but the extended support should provide security fixes for another 3 years. And Ryzen/Kaby Lake users aren't getting them. Are you saying that fixing all vulnerabilities requires processor specific code which would not run on Ryzen or Kaby Lake? I doubt that, but you are welcome to prove me otherwise.
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EasoSomething that talks with hardware? Very much so.
I can't think of one update that has ever done this. That would be driver or microcode's domain.
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Darmok N JaladBut isn't MS having its growth elsewhere, and not on OS sales? Nadela is overall taking the company to good places, but "Windows" is just one piece of a very large company.
Correct. MS company value has little to do (directly) with Windows sales. They have stable market share. The OS recycle duration is most likely also fairly constant.
Even if they force an earlier update to W10, it's just the cashflow modification - not a change in total sales of anything. When MS announced the initial 10 update will be free, their stock value didn't react at all. That's because Windows update licences for home users are basically invisible in financial statements. It is very unlikely that someone would delay the replace of his PC, because he got a more modern OS. So the total cashflow from OEM licences didn't change.

MS value increases because they developed a very good and wide offer of products.
Today it's possibly the most robust and easiest to use ecosystem out there (for both home and pro use).

I guess the move to dump phones also helped... :P
Posted on Reply
evernessinceMost people don't hate windows 10, it is a good operating system. What people do hate is microsoft's constant bull crap. If a half decent company owned the windows operating system and simply stopped being dicks that alone would increase windows 10 adoption by a large amount.
That's the irony here.


Back when Win 7 came out, THE BEST OS was Win XP and Vista was the main reason to never upgrade a thing even though in reality, it was a huge step forward and basically Win 7 pre-release.

When Win 8.0 came out, Win 7 was the number one OS because everyone dreaded having a tablet PC sitting on their desktop and it showed a Microsoft in disarray (I do agree on that one).

Then came 8.1 which is basically 10 pre-release.... and now we are on 10 and people have to have Win 8.1, because 10 is full of spyware (even though you get the exact same telemetry files sent to you when you update Win 7 and 8).

I can see how it takes awhile for this to sink in with people, but after a good 20 years of Windows versions, I'm still not using an other OS because I hate MS so much, but never took the hard decision of running Linux and basically introducing a huge time investment for having to figure out everything myself.

People need to own up a bit for their own laziness, in the first place for giving MS the monopoly they say they hate, and second for not getting a Linux distro to solve their own problems. Instead, they resort to creating rant threads like this one while they're shopping for their Kaby Lake/Ryzen setup that HAS TO HAVE THE OLDEST POSSIBLE OS on it, even though MS has clearly pointed out it won't support it.

You know what all this looks like, right? Its like a five year old throwing a tantrum over nothing 'I want this because you say I can't have it' -style. And when I point this out, I am an M$ (watch the dollar sign here) 'apologist'.


Good luck with that court case though :D
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It is fraud, they cannot do this, it is illegal!
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notbNot true.

You paid for an OS that supported a specific set of hardware - not everything that will come out in the future (not even everything existing at the moment of OS release).
Windows can (both technically and legally) block updates on a new platform (they didn't for the older ones).
We know it's an artificial limitation, geared for someone else's benefit. It's a two way street.
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