Saturday, October 23rd 2021

Intel Xe-HPG Arc Alchemist Graphics Card Alleged Pricing Points Towards $650-$825 Range
Intel's Arc Alchemist lineup of graphics cards, based on Xe-HPG GPU configuration, is nearing the launch. With the current situation with AMD and NVIDIA GPUs outputting graphics card prices over the default MSRP, we wonder how Intel would place pricing of its upcoming GPUs and fit inside the market. And today, we got the first round of speculations based on Intel's Arc Alchemist GPU giveaway called Xe-HPG Scavenger Hunt. There are two principal bundles: one worth $900 that includes Intel Arc merchandise, Xbox Game Pass PC for six months, Intel Premium Arc Alchemist graphics card, and one worth $700 that consists of three months of Xbox Game Pass PC, Intel Arc merchandise, and Intel Performance Arc Alchemist graphics card.
According to some preliminary calculations from Tom's Hardware, we assume that with the $900 bundle containing one Premium Arc Alchemist GPU and other prizes, the card will cost as much as $825 when all things get removed. Going down the ladder, Intel has paired a bundle worth $700 with a Performance Arc GPU, which is roughly worth $650 on its own. It indicates that the two Intel Performance and Premium Arch Alchemist graphics cards are respectfully worth $650 and $825. What will the final pricing look like? We don't know. However, we assume that it could be very similar to this. For more information we have to wait for the official launch.
Reddit, via Tom's Hardware
According to some preliminary calculations from Tom's Hardware, we assume that with the $900 bundle containing one Premium Arc Alchemist GPU and other prizes, the card will cost as much as $825 when all things get removed. Going down the ladder, Intel has paired a bundle worth $700 with a Performance Arc GPU, which is roughly worth $650 on its own. It indicates that the two Intel Performance and Premium Arch Alchemist graphics cards are respectfully worth $650 and $825. What will the final pricing look like? We don't know. However, we assume that it could be very similar to this. For more information we have to wait for the official launch.
128 Comments on Intel Xe-HPG Arc Alchemist Graphics Card Alleged Pricing Points Towards $650-$825 Range
Nvidia and AMD's MSRPs are unrealistic; If Intel's cards release at $650 and $825 and perform at the level of cards with a $650 and $825 street price, then all we really have here is Intel showing a competent understanding of the market value right now. It's vital to stress that when I say "perform" I don't mean the GPU itself, I mean the whole package - GPU, driver support, game profiles, encoder/audio/VRR features.
Should the ETH mining market crash in 2022 after a full transition away from mineable proof-of-work then all GPU prices will need to be adjusted as hundreds of millions of GPUs suddenly saturate the used market. Some miners will surely continue to mine other coins but at present the second most profitable coin will net GPU miners barely half what ETH provides and a huge influx of extra miners to a coin like RVN will immediately ramp up the difficulty and reduce mining profits even further.
Unless other proof-of-work coins massively increase in profitability, I think many miners will cut their losses and the mining boom will be over for another cycle.
Can I please just ask what drugs those people are taking? They must be really good.
Intel has never ever behaved like that. Not once since the days of the 286 when I used my first x86 computer have intel been anything other than monopolising profiteers. They will always sell the minimum viable product for the absolute maximum they can get away with. Not only that, they have a criminal track record of cheating, lies, and market manipulation both in strongarming customers into anti-competitive practices and as operating as a cartel member. Various courts around the world have found them guilty and fined them but you cannot assume that the mere slap-on-the-wrist those fines represent will have done anything to change the corrupt mindset that still directs Intel. Figureheads come and go but the owners of Intel who really get a say in the morals/ethics of the company are the same that they've been for several decades.
The only good thing from Intel entering the dGPU market is more supply and more competition which will, in a stable market, improve the experience and reduce prices for us consumers. All we need now is a stable market, something that hasn't really happened for a long time now.... x60 tier is $330 now.
The $200-250 price point of last decade has changed because of a decade of inflation and China-US trade tariffs. A $300-400 price today is (if you reverse the inflation and remove the trade tariffs) exactly the $200-250 that the x60-tier cards used to cost. It impacts not just US citizens, but global customers of products made in China by US-owned companies.
Distributors are saying that they can't even get the cards from the manufacturers at MSRP which is insane because distributor costs should be much lower than MSRP to allow both distributors and retailers to stay in business.
ETH mining is the primary cause, and that's not going to change for at least 6 months, possibly longer. Keep an eye on if you want to see how profitable mining with GPUs is. Once profitability falls, miners will stop buying all the cards and creating a shortage, supply will finally meet demand and GPU pricing will bottom out for a year or two as all of the ex-mining cards flood the market.
Later, there were analyzes and comments from card manufacturers that these cards in non-reference versions cannot be sold at a profit at prices close to MSRP.
AMD, having no choice after playing Nvidia, also had to set the MSRP prices detached from reality.
Prices should be looked at objectively (ignoring even covid or problems on the semiconductor and other component market) in terms of price and performance. Still the RX 6700 XT offers performance at the RTX 2080 Ti level and even considering the current prices around 700 pounds for this card is like a promotion with RTX 2080 Ti prices oscillating before the current crisis at the level of 1000-1200 pounds.
People just got too used to the unrealistic MSRP prices of the current generation of cards and forgot about the prices of the previous generation, and some people would still want manufacturers to pay them to install some vendor's graphics card in their computers.
I will not spend 400 on a 6 year old gpu (Reference) either. It very well be an AIB design and in Mint Condition, never abused.
By the time Intel launches these GPUs they will be 1 year old technology and both AMD and nvidia will have already moved forward. I'd rather see a PowerVR/Imagination Technologies Discreet GPU that is a viable contender like 3DFX.
I play atm No Mans Sky and Assassins Creed Odyssey on my PS4 slim, ill 100% on Odyssey (lasts more than 70 hours gametime) :laugh:
The point is companys tell u, u need them u need them like a drug dealer.;)
But for real Odyssey looks pretty nice on the PS4 i dont need max out only cause nvidia, amd and intel mean i should pay 6,7,8,9,1000$ for a gpu.:confused:
For sure im not backward, ill buy the PS5 then if i can get the PS5 Slim.:clap:
Slim is the best with no release bugs etc. et a.. my ps2, ps3 and ps4 Slims working well, my first gen of this Console are all dead (only the ps1 still works).:love:
then a big gap, then $330 MRSP (double that in reality)
I think if AMD comes out with a 6500, its MRSP might be $240 ish, but it might be equivelent to an old 480/1060. I guess we will see when nvidia releases the 3050?
Yeah for sure why i cant flash my GT1030? for the reason the chip can do a much higher clock and bring much more performance, but nvidia say not via bios flash :)
At the end my GT 730 (BIOS flashed, 4GB GGDR5) have the similar perfromance like a GT 1030, but 2 GB more of its GDDR5 against the 1030:slap:
Yeah u can have 4 GB with the 1030 but only with DDR4 after that u slower than a Stock GT 710 with 2GB GDDR5:nutkick:
This 4GB DDR4 GT 1030 is slower than any APU before its sloewer than about 40% than a A8 IGP from 2010 compared with DDR3 1866 :)
It's not new isn't some revolutionary addition to basic online etiquette. Responding to bait/insults isn't helping the quality of the discussion in any way. Not my words:
Intel's first two chips are supposedly in the area of RTX 3070 & 3080 performance, based on their core count and the DG1 performance that sounds about right. For the upper end part here at $825, that is the bottom end of current 3060 Ti pricing. If Intel's cards actually sell for that amount and are available, I'll be surprised.
There are people out there that don't even know AMD is making GPUs, imagine how this will go for Intel.
Also, all of them are more than happy to set 400€-500€ as the new "midrange price bracket" and push everything above it further up, if this "demand" gets matched by production again.