Tuesday, February 22nd 2022

Samsung Employees Being Investigated for "Fabricating" Yields

Samsung Electronics is hit by a major scandal involving current and former employees. It's being alleged that these employees are involved in falsifying information about the semiconductor fabrication yields of the company's 3/4/5 nanometer nodes to clear them for commercial activity. This came to light when Samsung was observing lower than expected yields after the nodes were approved for mass-production of logic chips for Samsung, as well as third-party chip-designers. A falsified yield figure can have a cascading impact across the supply-chain, as wafer orders and pricing are decided on the basis of yields. Samsung however, has downplayed the severity of the matter. The group has initiated an investigation into Samsung Device Solutions, the business responsible for the foundry arm of the company. This includes a thorough financial audit of the foundry to investigate if the investments made to improve yields were properly used.
Sources: DigiTimes, InfoStock Daily
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17 Comments on Samsung Employees Being Investigated for "Fabricating" Yields

As long as the investigation starts at the top of the Samsung executive (first the CEO) and trickles down two to three levels of management from there, then something might get found and solved.

Flogging the bottom until morale and smooth operation commences will go exactly no where.

Executives always inflate numbers, close their ears to all news that doesn’t meet that inflated unreality and pressures the low rungs until the workers are too scared to say any different.
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Well, at least there are no major issues with their new Exynos chipset. /s :D
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zlobbyWell, at least there are no major issues with their new Exynos chipset. /s :D
Did 3090 ti get made here?!
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Fake it till you make it.
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TheoneandonlyMrKDid 3090 ti get made here?!
Lol. On a serious note, I think the process itself is OK, only yields are bad. And the Exynos has other issues, currently not attributed to the manufacturing process itself. Remember kids, never preorder! :D
Posted on Reply
Back door was left open like 30 series gpu manufactures did ?
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ChomiqFake it till you make it.

scapegoats incoming.................
Posted on Reply
zlobbyLol. On a serious note, I think the process itself is OK, only yields are bad. And the Exynos has other issues, currently not attributed to the manufacturing process itself. Remember kids, never preorder! :D
I was seriously asking the question what node and where is the 3090Ti made on?!
Posted on Reply
TheoneandonlyMrKI was seriously asking the question what node and where is the 3090Ti made on?!
Oh, of that I have no clue. I'm allergic to nvidia, so I care little about their products.
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scapegoats incoming.................
Heh. Yea you know shit rolls downhill, so does the finger pointing.

I can say I'm surprised, but it could explain some of the supply shortage, which I still think was faked just to boost profits from artificial price gouging. Samsung has a history of magically having accidents so this is something new, but still in there with the prior price fixing scandal.

I feel for the employees that were likely just "following orders" when they get let go. Plausible deniability...
Posted on Reply
DavenAs long as the investigation starts at the top of the Samsung executive (first the CEO) and trickles down two to three levels of management from there, then something might get found and solved.

Flogging the bottom until morale and smooth operation commences will go exactly no where.

Executives always inflate numbers, close their ears to all news that doesn’t meet that inflated unreality and pressures the low rungs until the workers are too scared to say any different.
If memory serves me right, Samsung's top brass had and still have major bribery and other shady stuff going on. It will be crazy to assume that they got better after that slap on the wrist.
Posted on Reply
Back door was left open like 30 series gpu manufactures did ?
Ah yes uncut silicon wafers so tasty on the hot stolen goods marketplace...
TheoneandonlyMrKI was seriously asking the question what node and where is the 3090Ti made on?!
Same as the 3090.
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This is what happens when employees are expected to work 110% all the time, 25 hours a day, 8 days a week to meet impossible targets of everlasting growth. Maybe it's time the world slowed down a bit.
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Well they've used the Fire, Flood, Earthquake & Electrical outage scenarios already so I spose they've had to come up with something new and inventive to make claims of price increases
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Samsung and the word dishonest are quite often used in the same sentence.
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AusWolfThis is what happens when employees are expected to work 110% all the time, 25 hours a day, 8 days a week to meet impossible targets of everlasting growth. Maybe it's time the world slowed down a bit.
I think that more about profits than racing the next guy.
Posted on Reply
I'm like 99% sure the entire fault will fall on one former management employee, further lack of communication among current employees and current management, which means, case closed.
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