Sunday, April 30th 2023

Respawn Entertainment CEO Would Like to Revisit Titanfall Series

Respawn Entertainment boss Vince Zampella has been engaged in press duties for the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor marketing cycle this week, and is likely having to field questions about the sci-fi action adventure's poor technical performance on PC and consoles alike. In an interview conducted by Barron's Magazine a few days ago, Zampella was probably relieved to have the focus shift to a happier topic - the Titanfall franchise. He seemed to be quite open to the prospect of making a third game: "I hate to say yes, then people latch onto that, and then skewer you when it doesn't come. But I would love to see it happen is the real answer." His studio was founded in order to develop the (multiplayer only) first-person shooter Titanfall (2014), a platform exclusive on PC/Origin and Xbox One. Prior to starting Respawn Entertainment in 2010, Zampella and colleague Jason West were lead designers on the mainline Call of Duty series at Infinity Ward/Activision.

A sequel to the original Titanfall arrived in late 2016 to rave reviews from the press and hardcore fans of the series - the inclusion of a single player campaign was considered to be a highlight - this story campaign borrowed gameplay ideas (to the surprise of many) from Valve's Half Life series, and added time traveling elements to an already mind-bending mobility system. In an unfortunate move for Zampella and Respawn, publisher Electronic Arts decided to launch Titanfall 2 during a very busy release window - the main competition at the time being Activision's Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and (EA's own) Battlefield 1. A mainstream crowd proceeded to ignore the Titanfall sequel thanks to poor marketing on EA's part and a crowded games market - sales figures were underwhelming, even with a PS4 version, and the game was heavily discounted within a couple of months of release. Respawn moved on to create a spin-off multiplayer shooter - the smash hit free-to-play battle royale Apex Legends, and the Star Wars Jedi series.
Titanfall fans are resigned to the fact that Respawn Entertainment (wholly owned by EA since December 2017) is committed to continuing work on more successful IPs - with the studio growing to further support Apex Legends. Zampella is guarded about the prospect of a new entry and says that his team is not "working on anything currently" directly related to Titanfall and there are "no exact dedicated plans" in development. Zampella is a very busy man nowadays with his regular shift at Respawn Entertainment as well as being tasked with steering the Battlefield franchise out of a slump chez DICE Los Angeles. It will be difficult for him to fit anything Titanfall-flavored into a multi-project schedule dictated by Electronics Arts: "It has to be the right thing...It's such a beloved franchise for the fans and also for us. If it is not the right moment in time, the right idea, then it just doesn't make sense."

Titanfall 2 is absolutely worth the $4-5 cost of entry during discount seasons, for the fantastic single player campaign alone. The multiplayer mode still attracts an active player population, but hackers have ruined aspects of the online experience and EA's official servers are reported to be unstable on PC and console platforms.
Source: Barron's Newsletter
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22 Comments on Respawn Entertainment CEO Would Like to Revisit Titanfall Series

Sure, if they include SP mode, bring it on! :rockout:

BTW, played Titanfall 2 and loved it!
Posted on Reply
Ohhh man, I had A BLAST with SP from Titanfall 2. If they are making 3, better be 40+ hour single player campaing!
Posted on Reply
Maybe he can get EA to revisit the its launcher app while he's at it?
Posted on Reply
For me, Titanfall 2 was a Half-Life 2 level experience. I'm sure Titanfall 3 will be out before HL3, can't wait...
Posted on Reply
Totally got into this Game it has a great Single Player Campaign so a 3rd would be appreciated.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
they should 100% focus on a long single player campaign, and keep Apex Legends as their main multiplayer game

i will buy titanfall 3 day 1.
Posted on Reply
When the trainer dies it brings you right into the Game. The Battle that ensues on foot is nice but fighting with the Mech is next level. What developers need to see is that some of the most successful Games are strictly single player. Here is looking at the Witcher series, Batman Series, CP 2077 and a few others like Everspace 2.
Posted on Reply
Titanfall 2 is absolutely worth the $4-5 cost of entry during discount seasons, for the fantastic single player campaign alone.
An absolute steal! Well worth the money and time spend, good gameplay and story.

Would love to see a Titanfall 3in the footsteps of the previous entry, focus on the single player as well as the execution was superb.
Posted on Reply
Oh, it would be nice, I MISS Titanfall 2.
Played MP nightly up until the servers started getting DDOS'd or whetever was happening making games unplayable.

Posted on Reply
That would be great if they made another one with single player, I'd definitely buy that. I loved the first two games quite a lot, the movement is so damn good!
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PsychoholicOh, it would be nice, I MISS Titanfall 2.
Played MP nightly up until the servers started getting DDOS'd or whetever was happening making games unplayable.

That's exactly what happend. :shadedshu: They just bent over and let them bully by ONE single mad hacker who DDOS'd the games to death.
And what was EA's response? They pulled Titanfall 1 from the stores & let Titanfall 2 slowly die. Really, just F**k EA!

If you sell millions of copies of a game and are unwilling to fix it, you don't deserve customers money. And if DEV's are just incompetent, sent them back to coding school.

kapone32When the trainer dies it brings you right into the Game. The Battle that ensues on foot is nice but fighting with the Mech is next level. What developers need to see is that some of the most successful Games are strictly single player. Here is looking at the Witcher series, Batman Series, CP 2077 and a few others like Everspace 2.
There is a big catch in your argument, all of those listed games had a story. Add the Wolfenstein series to it, too. ;) But turing a MP shooter into a SP game will never fly with the community.
For most who play shooter games it's just boring to play against bots. And it's nothing that will grab me for a long time like a MP game or make me dump cash into DLC's.
RegaeRevaebMaybe he can get EA to revisit the its launcher app while he's at it?
I actually kinda like the EA app more than the Origin launcher. :cool: It's way more responsive. That's already about it, but it's what matters most.
Not a fan of the new dark theme, the huge rounded corners on the images & the lack of 3d shadows. Also the wishlist is gone, which is quite inconvenient.
Posted on Reply
Yup, making it open world or even better multiple planets and single player/co-op that would be so sweet.
Posted on Reply
3 oh the magic number

Titanfall 3 sp would be nice.
Posted on Reply
Time to Jihad once more in my nuke mech.
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I'm kind of surprised that the Respawn CEO is talking about revisiting Titanfall because Titanfall 2 didn't reach EA's sales expectations. EA sometimes kills a series permanently when the last game failed to meet sales expectations (I'm looking at you Dead Space 3). EA never released sales numbers but an Analyst Firm (Morgan Stanley) estimated that it sold somewhere around 4 million units by 2017.

That's not really a reflection on the game imo. Popular opinion and reviews were that the game was very good.
Posted on Reply
Icon Charlie
IMHO. The only reason why this is being mentioned is because of Armored Core.

Can care less about Respawn Entertainment and even worse EA. I know these companies. Everything is Half @$$ed for maximum profit.

Even though this is an explanation it glosses over the real problem with EA and Respawn.
Posted on Reply
Problem is: its still an EA game. And I refuse to touch EA with a 39 1/2 foot pole.
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I loved TF2 multi player and miss it now the servers are destroyed. For TF3 MP I would buy a new console. Until then I'm done.
Posted on Reply
MarsM4NThat's exactly what happend. :shadedshu: They just bent over and let them bully by ONE single mad hacker who DDOS'd the games to death.
And what was EA's response? They pulled Titanfall 1 from the stores & let Titanfall 2 slowly die. Really, just F**k EA!

If you sell millions of copies of a game and are unwilling to fix it, you don't deserve customers money. And if DEV's are just incompetent, sent them back to coding school.
True, but it's often brushed over how the game only got more popular recently'ish, the game is awesome but it didn't perform that well sales wise at launch. That's way a titanfall 3 never happened, they kind of recycled the lore in to Apex Legends and started collecting that sweet easy money from skins on a battle royale.
Posted on Reply
Am I weird for being a fan of EA? They're not godly or anything to me but I still do think they make games better than most companies.
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JimmyDoogsAm I weird for being a fan of EA? They're not godly or anything to me but I still do think they make games better than most companies.
EA -- like all video game publishers -- have had their ups and downs. No one here can tell you how to spend your dollars. I wouldn't say that 2023 represents EA's pinnacle of achievement but then again it's not their rock bottom either.

While I'm no EA fanboy, they do have some decent titles. And I'm probably an indirect shareholder so their success is probably helping my retirement account portfolio.

If you like sports titles, there's no way to ignore EA, they are a major player in that genre.
Posted on Reply
trsttteTrue, but it's often brushed over how the game only got more popular recently'ish, the game is awesome but it didn't perform that well sales wise at launch. That's way a titanfall 3 never happened, they kind of recycled the lore in to Apex Legends and started collecting that sweet easy money from skins on a battle royale.
Just checked SteamDB and it's indeed far from dead, 2.809 players (24hr peak). :eek: Titanfall 1 however is super dead, 3 players online.

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