Wednesday, July 12th 2023

NVIDIA Now Ships GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition with Updated Power Connector
A few weeks ago, we reported that NVIDIA is already shipping its GeForce RTX 4070 Founders Edition cards with an improved 12VHPWR connector called 12V-2x6. However, today we learn that NVIDIA is also now shipping GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition with an improved 12V-2x6 connector. Thanks to the Reddit user u/prackprackprack posting in r/NVIDIA, the user reported that his Founders Edition RTX 4090 has shortened sensing pins on the connector. If not adequately plugged in, the sensing pins will not allow the card to draw full power and melt the connector. Besides RTX 4070 FE, the RTX 4090 FE is now updated as well, which makes sense as it is the most power-hungry card in the family. However, this may be a partial 12V-2x6 implementation. Below, you can see images showing shortened sensing pins.
r/NVIDIA (Reddit), via VideoCardz
62 Comments on NVIDIA Now Ships GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Edition with Updated Power Connector
Also, if they do this, they admit the fault with the 1st connector and the burning fiasco
Can't wait to see nvidia becoming the new Intel
Also for people with the old cards, your card just sells for a lot less on the used market now
I doubt this new connector will fix that problem. is.
So that's the fix.
July 3rd
sure mate :D
You don't spend Money Fixing something that doesn't need it. ..
I remember the days of socketed 286/386's that could be installed 4 different ways, 3 of which would cause CPU damage. We don't have that problem anymore, not because everyone got good at PC building, but because we design correctors/sockets so they can't be accidentally installed incorrectly, or if they can then no permanent damage is done.
Time to go find some humble pie.
The technical issue is that this new "connector", or a proven as a failed attempt to be a safe one, has a lower safety margin.
The old and proven 8-pin (and 6-pin) connector can conduct higher current - up to 8-10 amperes per pin.
With this new "connector", the current is halved, or as low as 3-4 amperes per pin.
I would call out the decision to use this unproven 'connector" for the highest-wattage and most demand cards - well beyond 450-watt is no joke.
Normally, they should have started with replacing the 6-pin connector in some of the lower-end cards, to test if it works safe.
I don't accept this "connector" and will avoid it. AMD already refused to use it in the RX 7900 series cards.
Edit: Also, lets avoid personal barbs, please.
The 8 pin connectors could handle double their rating. EG the 8 pin could tolerate 310 watts, but was specd for 150 watt in official capacity. The 12 pin is rated for 684 watt, and specd for 600. That's not a lot of safety margin in the design, which naturally means if the connection is not 100% perfect the pins will begin to overheat.
It is, simply put, a poor design that was shrunk to be trendy looking, rather then functional. They should have worked with the old 8 pin design and adapted that size pin to a 12 or even 16 pin config to handle these 600w throughputs.