Friday, February 9th 2024

Helldivers 2 Receives "Rapid" Post-launch PC Patch
The PC version of Helldivers 2 has shot up the Steam charts since yesterday's launch (also available on PlayStation 5)—according to tracking sites, peak player population sits at 151,927. Games industry watchdogs believe that this is Sony PlayStation's most successful launch title on PC platforms—24-hour peak telemetry has Helldivers 2 attracting 81,840 players versus God of War's 68,000 (January 14, 2022). An abundance of technical issues has prompted the submission of negative feedback—around 12,200 reviews have been left on the game's Steam Profile. Its current status is "Mostly Positive," but launch evening impressions were "Mixed" following 5300 review submissions. Eurogamer has summarized the problematic period: "Chief among criticisms are complaints about persistent crashes, while others have singled out server and matchmaking issues. Then there's ire directed towards PC optimization, and its kernel-level GameGuard anti-cheat software, which some feel is cause for concern, as well as complaints around Helldivers 2's monetization—which includes a battle pass and premium currency in-game shop, despite its £34.99/$39.99 price tag."
The development team at Arrowhead Game Studios implemented day-of-launch matchmaking fixes and addressed the most common crash problems. Helldivers 2 Game Director, Mikael Eriksson, stated that a patch was in the making: "If it's a success, we'll trigger a hotfix and get it out to the Steam community first, then roll it out to PS5 players as quickly as we can. Thank you—seriously—for your patience. We really want you all to have a blast playing this game. Bear with us, we're almost there." Arrowhead have followed up on their promise(s) today with another set of fixes pushed out to PC gamer population—Eriksson shared some good second day news: "We've uploaded a patch to Steam that should improve matchmaking for PC. The patch also includes some other crash fixes we've identified. We know there's more to solve, and we're working our way through it. Nevertheless, we hope this rapid patch goes a long way to making your experience better. Now go smash some bugs (and bots)!"Attention Helldivers! Super Earth is under attack and we're preparing the greatest offensive this galaxy has ever seen!
Eurogamer, Kitguru, ArrowheadGS Tweet
The development team at Arrowhead Game Studios implemented day-of-launch matchmaking fixes and addressed the most common crash problems. Helldivers 2 Game Director, Mikael Eriksson, stated that a patch was in the making: "If it's a success, we'll trigger a hotfix and get it out to the Steam community first, then roll it out to PS5 players as quickly as we can. Thank you—seriously—for your patience. We really want you all to have a blast playing this game. Bear with us, we're almost there." Arrowhead have followed up on their promise(s) today with another set of fixes pushed out to PC gamer population—Eriksson shared some good second day news: "We've uploaded a patch to Steam that should improve matchmaking for PC. The patch also includes some other crash fixes we've identified. We know there's more to solve, and we're working our way through it. Nevertheless, we hope this rapid patch goes a long way to making your experience better. Now go smash some bugs (and bots)!"Attention Helldivers! Super Earth is under attack and we're preparing the greatest offensive this galaxy has ever seen!
16 Comments on Helldivers 2 Receives "Rapid" Post-launch PC Patch
Current issues I've seen online:
- PS5 Issues with Matching Making, some Crashing
- No game ready drivers from AMD, NV or Intel yet
- BSOD or crashing to desktop during play sessions.
I installed the game an played an hour before a crash to desktop. Then had another one after a 30 min.For RDNA 3
Screen-space global illumination: off
Anti-aliasing: off
With these settings off I had 4 hour play sessions no issues. And I must say this game is alot of fun even with Randoms i've been enjoying it alot.
playing at 1440UW Native so no upscaling and on Ultra fps 90-130
Just wait atleast a year, there is nothing but win win win to gain from that.
And to be honest this game is so much fun i'm glad I jumped on it there are not that many good co-op games on PC.
I've had to wait for Horizon Zero Dawn to be ported to PC and then another year cause of the mining craze raised GPU prices way out of my budget and my RX 570 at the time couldn't play the game right so I could only play the game when I could finally afford my second hand GTX 1070 later.
I had a blast with the game, loved every bits of it so now I'm gonna buy Forbidden West on day 1 no questions asked. 'coming on march 21'
Granted there arent many games/year that I buy on day 1 but like Makaveli said if I know 100% sure that I will like it regardless of what then I aint gonna wait.
This game looks entertaining, but I'm not one to spend my money on Steam so I don't think I'll be playing this one.
It's more demanding than i expected though at native 4k and highest settings takes a lot of gpu power but there are plenty graphic settings to change also upscaling, native or supersampling
The last one was PalWorld.
The next one will probably be Dragon's Dogma II.
Helldivers was rough on launch day, I was getting crazy frame time spikes. Prior experience with this particular behaviour had me thinking it was network related. A patch put out later in the day fixed this thankfully. Just like you I had 2 crashes, and just like you I had just fiddled with my clocks lol In 12 hours, its not terrible, but obviously zero would be better. Its actually the CPU power that has me more surprised.
Game is a lot of fun :) My only day1 purchase in 2023 was Diablo 4 and Im still properly annoyed thinking about that! 2022 was Dying Light 2, was ok-ish, but Id gladly have waited if I was getting a do over. HD2 has already given me more enjoyment than either of those 2 games.
Sometimes it seems like every studio fired most of the QA team, leaving only one individual, a guy named Joe to do a half-assed job...
I play at native.