Saturday, December 8th 2018

PSA: "NVIDIA Installer cannot continue" on Windows October 2018 Update and How To Fix It

For those doing a fresh install of Microsoft's latest Windows 10 operating system (version 1809 October 2018 Update), you may encounter an issue with NVIDIA graphics drivers. Namely, a message may pop up when you install the graphics driver, telling you "The standard NVIDIA graphics driver is not compatible with this version of Windows". The issue is caused by the operating system automatically installing the GeForce 398.36 DCH graphics driver through Windows Update, immediately after first log-on. DCH drivers are also known as "Universal Windows Driver", "UWD", "DCHU", and "Declarative, Componentized, Hardware Support App", and leverage the Windows UWP platform for driver control panels while promising simpler updates and maintainability.

If networking is available during the Windows 10 installation, the operating system will automatically look for a graphics driver on Windows Update, which is a good thing, as it simplifies the setup process for the majority of users. At this point, everything will appear to be fine, however, once you attempt to update from that driver to the newest version from NVIDIA's driver download page, the error will appear. This is highly frustrating for some users, who have been reporting the issue on several online forums, including NVIDIA's own, with little attention paid thus far from their developers. We encountered the problem ourselves today, during the setup of our 2019 SSD review benchmarking install and got motivated to investigate this further.

Fixing the problem has proven difficult for some. However, a few methods are available which are reasonably straightforward. The first, and probably best, option is to avoid it altogether by disconnecting the PC from any network during OS install, thus blocking Windows from downloading the graphics driver via Windows Update, and manually installing the GeForce driver from USB media or driver disc, before networking is made available to Windows. Windows Update will not replace any existing driver with a DCH driver, so everything will be fine from here on- provided you are starting with a fresh install.

For some this may not be possible, in which case you can use the NVIDIA GeForce Experience app to bypass the problem as well. This method works as it is able to grab a DCH version of the driver, thus avoiding any potential conflicts. Apparently NVIDIA is releasing DCH drivers already, but they are not accessible through their official driver download page for GeForce at the time of this posting. The professional Quadro drivers do have a dropdown for "Windows Driver Type", listing options "Standard" and "DCH". Going with GeForce Experience does mean that you have to make an NVIDIA account and send telemetry to the company, something many users want to avoid; and for the next driver update you'll need to use GFE again, because your stuck with DCH drivers.

Another option that we've seen recommended in some places is to try and use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) before attempting installation of the downloaded driver. However, while it did fix the problem for us, this nuclear option resulted in a strange corruption of the Windows Driver Manager, which meant an OS reinstall anyway.

To check whether you have the DCH NVIDIA graphics driver installed on your system, you can use Regedit to check HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\nvlddmkm for a value called "DCHUVen". If it is present you are currently running an NVIDIA UWD/DCH driver.
We spent a few hours tinkering with the issue on multiple hardware configurations, and figured out a method that properly removes the DCH driver, letting you install the downloaded driver with ease. The biggest obstacle is that when you uninstall the DCH driver normally, it won't be gone from the system until you reboot, so you have to reboot before the NVIDIA Installer will work. Unfortunately, Windows Update will kick in right after reboot and reinstall the UWD driver that you just removed, blocking the NVIDIA Installer once again.

Our method is the following:
  • Go to Device Manager, open the NVIDIA graphics adapter, go to "Details" and select "Inf Name". Make note of the value, which in our case is "oem6.inf", but this will differ between systems, so don't skip this step.
  • Now open a command prompt with administrative privileges (Press Windows key, type "cmd", right-click, select "Run as Administrator".
  • Next, type the following command into the command prompt "pnputil /delete-driver oemX.inf /uninstall", replace "X" with the number you got from the first step (in our case we use oem6.inf).
  • The last step is to run "sc delete nvlddmkm" in the same command prompt, which properly removes the leftovers of the NVIDIA DCH driver.
  • Now you can download and install the NVIDIA driver without any problems, no reboot is needed through all these steps. We recommend doing a custom installation of the driver at this point, with the "clean install" option activated, to make sure all leftovers are removed.
Sadly, it seems that issues such as this could become more common as a result of such a fragmented driver release program. A quick Google search of "NVIDIA DCH" brings up numerous forum posts and threads with disgruntled users wondering why drivers will not install, and typically end unresolved with no real reason or explanation given other than the fact it is not compatible, and that GeForce Experience is recommended.

At this point, it may be prudent for NVIDIA to switch to the newer style of device driver or at least support the option for users to manually download a DCH version. The use of GeForce Experience to merely update a graphics card driver feels a bit heavy-handed and certainly doesn't leave us feeling happy about having to sign into yet another app to get a working driver because Windows Update forced us to do so.

Taking things a step further, we also explored NVIDIA's control panel app in the Microsoft Store. Once installed, if you try to run the app, it will tell you the drivers that were manually installed are not compatible, and will direct you to the NVIDIA driver page to download an updated driver. Funnily enough, the application wants a DCH driver but will then point you to the regular drivers which, as you may have guessed, results in the app not working.
Have any of you encountered this "NVIDIA Installer cannot continue" issue and need help with it? Let us know in the comments below if our method worked for you, and help spread the word to others affected by sharing the post.
Sources: Microsoft UWD Developer Page, Reports on NVIDIA Forums
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73 Comments on PSA: "NVIDIA Installer cannot continue" on Windows October 2018 Update and How To Fix It

Semi-Retired Folder
It seems to me that nVidia needs to automate the process of switching from the DCH driver to the normal driver whenever you run the normal driver's installer.
Posted on Reply
more like using that cloud based malware service called windows 10 . [lol...] so are folks with real operating systems having this issue ? [win-7 / Linux ]
Posted on Reply
Had the same issue with my GTX 1070 and a fresh installed windows. I made an other trick.

First install Geforce Experience and then let Experience download and install the latest driver. That worked fine.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Eiswolf93Had the same issue with my GTX 1070 and a fresh installed windows. I made an other trick.

First install Geforce Experience and then let Experience download and install the latest driver. That worked fine.
Yeah, that should work, because GFE has access to the latest drivers in DCH form. But nVidia doesn't put those drivers out on their website.
Posted on Reply
OR block the crappy 1809 update which has seen nothing but tons of problem
Posted on Reply
I did a fresh install of win 10 yesterday. Windows downloaded and installed the ancient geforce 388 drivers. So ofc i uninstalled them with DDU in safe mode, turned off automatic driver installation of drivers by windows and installed the latest ones from geforce. No problems.
Posted on Reply
coonbromore like using that cloud based malware service called windows 10 . [lol...] so are folks with real operating systems having this issue ? [win-7 / Linux ]
This! Windows 10 is one of the worst Windows imo, but people are using it as microsoft basically "forced" upgrades for free. The OS is terrible. Windows 7 is smoother and has more stability.
Posted on Reply
All these people having issues with 1809. Installed/updated all 6 of my system. Not a single issues....who are these folks? 2 of my system which are gaming rigs both Nvidia.......Nada single hick up.......Again who are these folks?
Posted on Reply
The biggest obstacle is that when you uninstall the UWD driver normally, it won't be gone from the system until you reboot, so you have to reboot before the NVIDIA Installer will work.
A way around this would be before you restart download the drivers, then reboot and unplug the network cable. If your machine is on wireless then turn router/modem off for a few minutes and install the drivers after restart. Would save doing all the cmd commands.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Manu_PTThis! Windows 10 is one of the worst Windows imo, but people are using it as microsoft basically "forced" upgrades for free. The OS is terrible. Windows 7 is smoother and has more stability.
I skipped the free upgrade, but I'm using it now because I genuinely like it a lot better than Windows 7. Going back to Windows 7 feels like using a dinosaur, I might as well be using XP again. Win10 does have issues, especially as they roll out new major updates, but so did every version of Windows when they received the major updates. Microsoft is basically releasing a service pack every ~6 months, which I like, because I've wanted more service packs for years. The problem is Windows has always had problems when they roll out service packs.
Posted on Reply
arbiterA way around this would be before you restart download the drivers, then reboot and unplug the network cable. If your machine is on wireless then turn router/modem off for a few minutes and install the drivers after restart. Would save doing all the cmd commands.
The uwd driver gets added to driver store and will install even without network.
Posted on Reply
All lies, Nvidia drivers are perfect, AMD is the one who screws it up.
Posted on Reply
Ferrum Master
It is only for the good.

Everyone gets the wrong idea coloring M$ as the bad guys. Actually it is vice versa.

The biggest issue, latency, BSOD, problem makers are the graphics drivers lately. It is getting overboard. Microsoft is starting to put some hints about that, because normal language doesn't help. Incidents like this is a wake up call. if you think it is a coincidence... you are wrong,

Basically AMD and Nvidia is writing really a messy code. Microsoft is really serious lately about solving this mess. Almost Torvalds like attitude.
Posted on Reply
Yeh I had that problem yesterday and I had to install Geforce Experience and update driver through that
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
Hitman_ActualAll these people having issues with 1809. Installed/updated all 6 of my system. Not a single issues....who are these folks? 2 of my system which are gaming rigs both Nvidia.......Nada single hick up.......Again who are these folks?
Good for you. Just because you had no problems doesnt mean you can minimize the impact of 1809 interacting with other software and affecting so many people.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieGood for you. Just because you had no problems doesnt mean you can minimize the impact of 1809 interacting with other software and affecting so many people.
I have no problems either on 4 machines but I know many that have the problems with 1809.. Microshaft needs to get their heads out of their asses and FIX it.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1I skipped the free upgrade, but I'm using it now because I genuinely like it a lot better than Windows 7. Going back to Windows 7 feels like using a dinosaur, I might as well be using XP again. Win10 does have issues, especially as they roll out new major updates, but so did every version of Windows when they received the major updates. Microsoft is basically releasing a service pack every ~6 months, which I like, because I've wanted more service packs for years. The problem is Windows has always had problems when they roll out service packs.
By dinossaur you mean the graphic appearance? If so I can understand, but I don´t judge OS by their visual! I judge it by stability. Windows 7 use your CPU smarter than Windows 10, not to mention RAM management. The input lag on Windows 7 is lower too, and the mouse translation too. It runs with less 200 services background and it doesn´t work by modules like Windows 10. It is a superior OS compared to Windows 10, but it lacks Directx12 and the visual effects. That´s all. There isn´t a single advantage on Windows 10 compared to Windows 7 OS wise.
Posted on Reply
this is getting really stupid. -_-
Posted on Reply
Very helpful for people running 1809, looks like 2018 is not good for Microsoft and their customer, maybe 2019 too :shadedshu:
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
I scripted this for you. It will auto detect if the registry value exists under that key. That will determine if it continues @crazyeyesreaper @W1zzard .

If it finds the key it will automate the removal.

If it doesnt find the key it will exit..

Unfortunately, the OP is a little off. When you go to delete the service it may be locked in "Marked for deletion" (This generally happens if the driver has the ability to "roll back" because of previous installs) when this happens the machine must be restarted before it will install the new drivers correctly.

@echo off
SET build=.2
title Nvidia DCH fixer v%BUILD%

:: Check for Admin by accessing protected stuff. This calls net(#).exe and can stall if we don't kill it later.
NET FILE 1>nul 2>&1 2>nul 2>&1
if '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( goto start) else ( goto getPrivileges )

:: Write vbs in temp to call batch as admin.
if '%1'=='ELEV' (shift & goto start)
for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ::- "%~f0"') do @Echo(%%A
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "batchPath=%~0"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs"
Echo UAC.ShellExecute "!batchPath!", "ELEV", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs"
exit /B

Echo TPU Nvidia DCH driver fix
Echo Written by: Solaris17 (TPU)
Echo If you do not want to auto clean exit the script now.
Echo Going to see if the registry key exists...
:: Find out of the entry exists.
REG Query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\nvlddmkm /V "DCHUVen" /S >nul 2>&1
IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto oeminf
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto notfound

:: find the infname
Echo I found the registry entry, deleting value.
REG DELETE "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\nvlddmkm" /V DCHUVen /f >nul 2>&1
Echo Lets get the .inf name.
powershell -Command "gwmi Win32_PnPSignedDriver | ? DeviceClass -eq "Display" | Select Infname"
Echo Enter the inf name exactly as shown. IE: oem19.inf
SET /P infname=""
Echo Deleting the inf. The display(s) may go blank and flicker.
pnputil /delete-driver %infname% /uninstall >nul 2>&1
Echo inf deleted.

:: delete the service.
Echo Please wait, now deleting the service. The display(s) may go blank and flicker.
timeout 30 >nul 2>&1
sc delete nvlddmkm >nul 2>&1
Echo Service deleted.
goto end

Echo I didn't find, it you should be good.
goto end

Echo All done!
Echo You should be able to install normally. If driver install fails reboot.
Posted on Reply
Works fine for me in a command line, try adding a bit of delay. You are using start /wait?
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
W1zzardWorks fine for me in a command line, try adding a bit of delay. You are using start /wait?
No just firing it off. Windows is probably locking it because of rollback and its using the installed service DB. I can time it out though. Do you have any suggestions? Win 10 appears to auto rollback. Displays flicker and come back with a different inf utilized.

That's generally system dependent. I cant leave it too short else id imagine people would run into the issue on slower machines.

The reboot cuts the lock and deletes service before restart though. Which allows installs after the fact. (Assuming the service was locked prior)

EDIT: I'll add a delay for now.
Posted on Reply
Hitman_ActualAll these people having issues with 1809. Installed/updated all 6 of my system. Not a single issues....who are these folks? 2 of my system which are gaming rigs both Nvidia.......Nada single hick up.......Again who are these folks?
Using lots.....of periods doesnt make....your comment...sound like anything but pedantic.

I am one of the users running into issues with 1809. AMD's 18.11 and 18.12 chipset drivers do not work properly with 1809 and my asus crosshair VII. If the computer goes to sleep, the USB devices remain off until the system force powered off and restarts. In addition, the ACHI connection to storage devices resets at complete random, causing the system to lock up for 15-20 seconds. This occurs every 5-10 minutes. 18.10 does not act up thankfully, and 18.11 and 18.12 work properly on 1803 and windows 7.
Posted on Reply
Honest Abe
Windows 7 is like a spring-time meadow compared to Windows 10's urban sprawl. DCH driver fixer??? WTF? So much drama in Win10ville
Posted on Reply
Microsoft could fix it all by just asking after each update if you would like to have Win10 auto download drivers or if you want to configure yourself. But then we would be given choices and we all know how hard choices are.
Posted on Reply
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Feb 27th, 2025 20:50 EST change timezone

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