Monday, January 29th 2024

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Devs Discuss Sephiroth & Aerith Redesigns
With his long silver hair, enormous odachi blade and epic theme song composed by legendary Nobuo Uematsu himself - Sephiroth is one of the most recognizable antagonists in RPG's history. The one-winged angel debuted in the original Final Fantasy VII in 1997 as a once-loved war hero and first-class SOLDIER who descended into madness and promised to destroy the planet upon learning of his unnatural creation. But there is much more to Sephiroth than just that. In Final Fantasy VII Remake, Sephiroth appears sporadically, mainly as a haunting memory, as the story focuses on Cloud and his friends trying to stop the evil corporation Shinra from killing the planet by using its life essence, mako, as an energy source.
In the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, however, we will see Sephiroth in his full glory. We asked Producer Yoshinori Kitase to discuss reimagining this iconic character in the Remakes: "The story in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth starts after the team has escaped Midgar and continues all the way up to the Forgotten Capital. In the original game, Sephiroth barely appeared during this section, but in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, he is the driving force that pulls the story along to fill that void. He is depicted in even more depth than in the original game, and I think this makes him an even more charismatic and appealing antagonist than before."Let's remember that Sephiroth has built his legacy as a silent tiny 3D character played on the original PlayStation. The latest Destined for Rebirth trailer shows how much has changed since then. We asked Mr. Kitase and Creative Director Tetsuya Nomura how it feels to see Sephiroth fully come to life thanks to modern game mechanics.
Kitase: The scene at the beginning of the game where Sephiroth joins your party and fights together with Cloud was very exciting. One of the distinctive features of this game is the new synergy system where characters team up to perform combination attacks and seeing Cloud and Sephiroth fight together like that felt so thrilling.
Nomura: The evolution of the characters wasn't a sudden mutation - we've seen gradual changes over several spin-off titles and in Final Fantasy VII Remake itself, and they are evolving even further in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Of all the characters, Sephiroth, in particular, has appeared in multiple different games, with each appearance adding more layers of detail, making him that much deeper as a character.
In a certain sense, we are seeing this evolved and in-depth portrayal of Sephiroth as him now "returning" to his roots in the remake series, and so naturally, his presence will be much deeper and clearer than it was in the original. On the other hand, the fans have now a much greater knowledge and understanding of Sephiroth, so I hope the players can see the character's appeal even more strongly.
A tumultuous relationship between Cloud and his once-hero-now-arch-enemy Sephiroth, is the central motif of the game. However, Sephiroth is linked to yet another important character—Aerith. And it was Aerith's fate back in 1997 that is considered by many one of the most shocking and memorable moments in video game history.
Kitase: Aerith's fate is one of the most important themes in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's story. I really want people to play the game and feel it directly, so I will not say too much here, but when comparing this scene to how it was presented in the original, I am confident that the audience will feel a great breadth of emotion from the extra level of detail in how the characters are portrayed.Reimagining the story of a classic like Final Fantasy VII is not a small task. The original game is one of the most influential RPGs of all time, and Final Fantasy VII Remake has been a massive success, selling over 7 million copies. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth itself has already won several 'Most Anticipated Game of the Year' awards. We asked Mr. Kitase how the development team approached balancing fans' expectations and creating a new and expanded storyline.
Kitase: As there are many fans of the series, I felt it was essential to keep the majority of the elements from the original game. On the other hand, if we simply followed along, keeping the story unchanged, it would only appeal to people's nostalgia. We added the Whispers as a new element that could "shake up" the storyline and thus create a feeling of anticipation towards where things were going. I think that has already proved to be appealing to the fans.
So, what does this all mean for Sephiroth and Aerith? 'No Promises to Keep' evoked many strong emotions in players, including fear and hope for how the story will play out. Here's the message Mr. Kitase left for those counting days to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's premiere and finding out what fate awaits our favorite flower peddler.
Nomura: Whatever I say will give people a hint about what is going to happen, so this is very difficult to answer. Really, I can only say that I want players to experience what waits for them at the end of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and feel it for themselves rather than getting that second-hand. Different people will respond to it differently, but I think that they will want to pursue that feeling, whatever it is, and set out on their next journey soon.
Kitase: I invite you all to play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and see with your own eyes how the modern generation of players will react to Aerith's fate, a moment that created such an emotional impact on a huge number of gamers 27 years ago.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches on PS5 on February 29, 2024. In the meantime, we invite you to revisit Final Fantasy VII Remake with a brief recap of The Story So Far:
And if you want to experience the game for yourself, why not pre-order the Final Fantasy VII Remake & Rebirth Twin Pack which includes Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (available at launch) and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade which is available to play as soon as the Twin Pack is pre-ordered.
PlayStation Blog
In the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, however, we will see Sephiroth in his full glory. We asked Producer Yoshinori Kitase to discuss reimagining this iconic character in the Remakes: "The story in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth starts after the team has escaped Midgar and continues all the way up to the Forgotten Capital. In the original game, Sephiroth barely appeared during this section, but in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, he is the driving force that pulls the story along to fill that void. He is depicted in even more depth than in the original game, and I think this makes him an even more charismatic and appealing antagonist than before."Let's remember that Sephiroth has built his legacy as a silent tiny 3D character played on the original PlayStation. The latest Destined for Rebirth trailer shows how much has changed since then. We asked Mr. Kitase and Creative Director Tetsuya Nomura how it feels to see Sephiroth fully come to life thanks to modern game mechanics.
Kitase: The scene at the beginning of the game where Sephiroth joins your party and fights together with Cloud was very exciting. One of the distinctive features of this game is the new synergy system where characters team up to perform combination attacks and seeing Cloud and Sephiroth fight together like that felt so thrilling.
Nomura: The evolution of the characters wasn't a sudden mutation - we've seen gradual changes over several spin-off titles and in Final Fantasy VII Remake itself, and they are evolving even further in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Of all the characters, Sephiroth, in particular, has appeared in multiple different games, with each appearance adding more layers of detail, making him that much deeper as a character.
In a certain sense, we are seeing this evolved and in-depth portrayal of Sephiroth as him now "returning" to his roots in the remake series, and so naturally, his presence will be much deeper and clearer than it was in the original. On the other hand, the fans have now a much greater knowledge and understanding of Sephiroth, so I hope the players can see the character's appeal even more strongly.
A tumultuous relationship between Cloud and his once-hero-now-arch-enemy Sephiroth, is the central motif of the game. However, Sephiroth is linked to yet another important character—Aerith. And it was Aerith's fate back in 1997 that is considered by many one of the most shocking and memorable moments in video game history.
Kitase: Aerith's fate is one of the most important themes in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's story. I really want people to play the game and feel it directly, so I will not say too much here, but when comparing this scene to how it was presented in the original, I am confident that the audience will feel a great breadth of emotion from the extra level of detail in how the characters are portrayed.Reimagining the story of a classic like Final Fantasy VII is not a small task. The original game is one of the most influential RPGs of all time, and Final Fantasy VII Remake has been a massive success, selling over 7 million copies. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth itself has already won several 'Most Anticipated Game of the Year' awards. We asked Mr. Kitase how the development team approached balancing fans' expectations and creating a new and expanded storyline.
Kitase: As there are many fans of the series, I felt it was essential to keep the majority of the elements from the original game. On the other hand, if we simply followed along, keeping the story unchanged, it would only appeal to people's nostalgia. We added the Whispers as a new element that could "shake up" the storyline and thus create a feeling of anticipation towards where things were going. I think that has already proved to be appealing to the fans.
So, what does this all mean for Sephiroth and Aerith? 'No Promises to Keep' evoked many strong emotions in players, including fear and hope for how the story will play out. Here's the message Mr. Kitase left for those counting days to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's premiere and finding out what fate awaits our favorite flower peddler.
Nomura: Whatever I say will give people a hint about what is going to happen, so this is very difficult to answer. Really, I can only say that I want players to experience what waits for them at the end of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and feel it for themselves rather than getting that second-hand. Different people will respond to it differently, but I think that they will want to pursue that feeling, whatever it is, and set out on their next journey soon.
Kitase: I invite you all to play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and see with your own eyes how the modern generation of players will react to Aerith's fate, a moment that created such an emotional impact on a huge number of gamers 27 years ago.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches on PS5 on February 29, 2024. In the meantime, we invite you to revisit Final Fantasy VII Remake with a brief recap of The Story So Far:
And if you want to experience the game for yourself, why not pre-order the Final Fantasy VII Remake & Rebirth Twin Pack which includes Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (available at launch) and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade which is available to play as soon as the Twin Pack is pre-ordered.
20 Comments on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Devs Discuss Sephiroth & Aerith Redesigns
If you still don't understand things like hmm some characters, there is Crysis Core available on PC ;)
Why not just make a new FF, SquareEnix?
No, but seriously, Forspoken was goddamn awful, holy hell, what were they thinking.
Let Aerith live, then make a super detailed cut scene for Sephiroth dating Cloud in dress with all the girls crying at the background.
Everyone will be satisfied, amazed and concludes the FF7 storyline.
The Prophecy...
The whole Compilation of FFVII was a mistake, is what I think I’m saying, and making clear that the Remake project will use it as a jumping off point (dat Intergrade DLC with Yuffie, JFC) was even more so.
- Hey guys, did you want a detailed backstory and character examination of Vincent, that optional party member who was barely relevant in FF7?
- Not really, no.
- Great! How about a janky TPS on PS2 with awful controls? The story will explain before unknown things, like how Vincent was literally cucked by a creepy scientist from the OG game and he will romance a jailbait loli who is actually like 30 and fight God at the end while powering up through friendship with the entire cast!
- What the actual…
But hey, like I'll always freely admit: first time a VG made me cry/astonished (the only other being that other moment in that one other game that is perhaps my favorite moment in all entertainment history), so I get that people think she might, or (think they) want her to live. It's only natural, but I think it's actually a continuation of that hopeless desire from when you originally played the game, but for now you still have that hope (which the original game could never give back). It's kind of like explaining to people the end of LOST wasn't about The End, it's the fact many scrutinized freeze-frames for hours in forums and discussed what could happen in a television show with complete strangers for six years of their life...and that means more to many people than any ending ever could. YHTBT.
I mean, come on. I, for a moment, had my doubts at first as well because new square is not old square; nothing is sacred. But then I saw this in one of the more recent trailers and was like....Alright then. I mean, that is LITERALLY what you think it is...I think some people needed to know the story would not be screwed with (beyond fleshing out Jessie et al in Avalanche to have it resonate better as Cloud's motivation; giving more depth/value to Zack [and perhaps posthumous Aerith as a consolation]) and that's why it's there.
As for AC: I'll explain it someday if you really want me to. I would heavily suggest watching it in Japanese, as the dub is a complete failure (as most are, including the original game). This coming from a guy that pre-ordered from a very small up-and-coming website specializing in books called back when it was initially released. I'm not saying it was good, but it did make sense. After Remake is done being Redid, it'll probably make even more sense (with people feeling more content about Zack/Aerith [relationship] and their purpose).
Crisis Core was actually pretty decent (for what FFVII is) as well, imo. If anything they might screw up that whole emotional aspect of the story...but I guess it meshes with the end of AC, and might make people feel more content, so whatever.
But yeah...yeah...Dirge of Cerberus was awful. And Creepy. And awful. But also pretty creepy. Onasi nailed it imho. Cultural differences and what-not, but still...I found it pretty strange personally.
I admit, you are willing to give far more credit to modern Square writers than me. Then again, I am not actually all that bothered by whatever they do. Since FFVII wasn’t really some formative game for me (I was always a PC guy) and its reputation always felt overhyped to me. It’s a decent game, but arguably not even the best in that particular era of FF. I genuinely consider its immediate successor, FFVIII, to be a better written and a more interesting game in many ways. Not to mention Tactics came out the same year and was a significantly better story in retrospect, probably overlooked at the time because of how political and serious it was. Writing wise, FFVII wouldn’t make it in my personal top list. It and its story and character driven approach, as well as success, did inspire Torment, which is arguably still one of the best, if not THE best written games of all time.
So if Nomura and company decide that they want to crash the entire Remake project with no survivors by going full-on batshit insane - I say let them. This might turn out more interesting than a weak sauce comment on how fans don’t understand what they actually want. Hypocritical of them too, since the Remake mainly exists due to woeful financial situation SE was at the time of the announcement.
Games i played from Squaresoft/Enix (and Illusion of Time/Gaia edited by Enix at the time)
They do some amazing stuff and big turds. Trying to release too many games every year... mobile and NFT recently too :shadedshu:
This company is similar to Konami with a Self-destructive behavior :(
Given that Zack also appeared and survived his fated death point (though even his side of the story retcon doesn't line up with Remake's plot beats), sooner or later they'll end the 3-way romance between Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa and get it back onto the Cloud/Tifa romance and Zack/Aerith romance tracks, unless Zack takes a fatal blow for Cloud and insists Cloud take care of Aerith and Tifa. Then we end up with Part 3 being part visual novel in choosing which girl survives in the end, based on those old fake "secrets" for the original (where it was claimed that players could have saved Aerith by being nice to her and indifferent/rude to Tifa, who'd choose to sacrifice herself and push Aerith out of the way).
My favorites are IV,VI, and VIII. 7 is just 7. Seven is just factually more culturally important for a host of reasons. We don't have to 'love' it, but it is an important piece of pop culture that ties many of us together.
FWIW, I was more a (OG pixel art) Secret of Mana guy; I haven't played a FF game past X. I, too, had many years I was much more inclined to play only things on PC vs anything console, so I get you.
Until the Switch, I had not owned a Nintendo console since the N64. I did play the 'important' games on Wii, though, as there was always one around between friends/family.
I've owned every PS, but did not get much use of out of 2-4. The standouts there are largely the Team Ico (Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Last Guardian) titles which, imho, are must-plays.
I think my biggest "you don't get it because you're a PC guy" moment was playing Dark Souls on a beefy PC post DSFIX. I never got to experience Blight Town at 2fps or whatever it was on XB/PS. :roll:
Similarly, I don't have any affinity toward anything exclusive to Xbox, as I've never owned one. I played most of the relevant titles (which were [eventually]) on PC, even if some years later (like Halo).
I appreciate your opinion on Torment; haven't heard of it (apologies, I'm only one guy and haven't seen or know about EVERYTHING). I will have to read up on it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)
(WRT to weak-sauce commentary: I'm not saying you're wrong...I'm saying that's my guess [to their line of thinking]. You are correct about it's reason for being: it was always their financial ace up their sleeve.)