Wednesday, October 14th 2020

ASUS Seemingly Drops Support for AMD Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs on X470 Motherboards, the Company Responds

Today there is some quite interesting information circulating the web regarding ASUS and its alleged decision. Going a few months back, AMD released a statement regarding the support for its upcoming Ryzen 5000 series CPUs and said that it should enable compatibility with the last-generation X470 and B450 chipset. That, however, has remained a bit of mystery. The update is baked-in with the BIOS, which every manufacturer, like MSI, ASUS, Gigabyte, etc. provides independently of AMD. So it is a manufacturer-dependant case, where if one vendor chooses not to provide support for 400 series chipsets, many motherboards will not support new CPU generation.

Update Oct 14th: ASUS has reached out to us and said that "ASUS will provide updated BIOS' for the X470 and B450 chipsets based on AMD's current release schedule of new AGESA code in January 2021. This original report was based on incorrect information." This means that the customer support case contained wrong information, and ASUS is going to support 5000 series Ryzen CPUs on 400 series chipsets. Please note that the information below is incorrect.
This represents the case of what seems to be happening with ASUS. In correspondence with ASUS support, a customer asked ASUS if they plan to update a Crosshair VII Hero X470 motherboard with support for AMD's upcoming Ryzen 5000 series CPUs, the company gave a rather negative answer. Here is the quote below:
ASUS SupportI am writing this email to provide you an update about your ongoing case. According to our engineers, We have no plans for the Crosshair VII Hero to support the Ryzen 5900X, please purchase Crosshair VIII Hero and any Ass (*ASUS) B550 motherboard that will support Ryzen 5900X and 5000 series processors.
You can check out the full Reddit thread here. It appears that ASUS recommends users that they upgrade to new motherboards and that there will be no support of AMD's Ryzen 5000 CPU series on 400 series chipset on their motherboards.
Source: Reddit
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159 Comments on ASUS Seemingly Drops Support for AMD Ryzen 5000 Series CPUs on X470 Motherboards, the Company Responds

Very disappointed in many of you, dear lord what Drama queens
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhat I think has happened is that one division of ASUS said something the ASUS parent company did not commit too. We'll see what happens. The B450 is an upper range chipset and there is no reason it should not support the new CPU's.
I think the support staff just wanted the conversation to end and blurted things out.
Posted on Reply
Mussels*looks at my asus B450 that i planned to use*

well. shit.
The problem with a lot of B450 boards is that they didn't have great VRMs. That's kind of why all of these VRM tier lists popped up and channels like Buildzoid gained popularity when Zen2 launched.

Budget B550 boards seem to have far more robust VRM phases than budget B450 boards, and mid-tier B550 boards generally surpass even flagship B450 boards when it comes to VRMs and cooling them.

Assuming you're using that B450-I, you have a 6-phase IR3553 which is okay by 500-series motherboard standards but it's knocked down a tier because of the smaller heatsink. If Asus get you a BIOS for Zen3 then I'd probably say PBO isn't a good idea with any of the 105W chips unless the airflow in your PC is strong. If you keep to your 8-core then I don't see a problem, unless ASUS really don't provide even a beta BIOS :(
Posted on Reply
Asus WAS one of my favorite motherboard companies but in my opinion Asus changed to a money grab machine.

For example: In my case (Lian Li Dynamic XL) I have 2 pair of usb3 ports at the front of the case so I need a motherboard that has 2 of those connectors.
With Asus ONLY the Formula (€550) has 2 so with Asus I`m paying the FULL price.

If I look at other brands then I sometimes see 2 usb3 connectors even on the cheap motherboards (€300).
And this is just one example.

The only thing Asus has is the looks of the motherboards BUT in terms of quality and what you get.......Gigabyte boards are ALOT better with the X570 boards.
Only negative is that the Gigabyte X570 boards are ugly as hell except the Extreme.

So what should I do.......Buy a great looking Asus board with only 1 usb3 port or buy an ugly Gigabyte board with everything on it what I want :P
I have a full custom waterloop so looks are also very importent.
1st world problems I guess :P
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_The problem with a lot of B450 boards is that they didn't have great VRMs. That's kind of why all of these VRM tier lists popped up and channels like Buildzoid gained popularity when Zen2 launched.

Budget B550 boards seem to have far more robust VRM phases than budget B450 boards, and mid-tier B550 boards generally surpass even flagship B450 boards when it comes to VRMs and cooling them.
VRM wise, if a board can handle, 3900X, 3900XT, 3950X... then it can handle all 5000 series
Posted on Reply
Zach_01VRM wise, if a board can handle, 3900X, 3900XT, 3950X... then it can handle all 5000 series
Indeed. I've seen and had to replace B450 boards that couldn't handle a 3950X, even at stock.
The 6-phase on that mITX board is above average for a B450 but still far below what even cheap X570 boards have in terms of VRM and cooling.
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_Indeed. I've seen and had to replace B450 boards that couldn't handle a 3950X, even at stock.
The 6-phase on that mITX board is above average for a B450 but still far below what even cheap X570 boards have in terms of VRM and cooling.
Most X570... because there are some of them that struggle with 3900X/3950X.
Posted on Reply
AnarchoPrimitivMy 2700x is in an Asus X470-F, and while I planned on getting a new motherboard anyway so I could have PCIe 4.0, I'm DEFINITELY not going to buy an Asus X570/B550 board now. I really want to try Asrock since I like how they are the most "experimental (putting Thunderbolt3 on their x570 mITX board for example)...
In my experience As Rock are the best for AM4 motherboards.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhat I think has happened is that one division of ASUS said something the ASUS parent company did not commit too. We'll see what happens. The B450 is an upper range chipset and there is no reason it should not support the new CPU's.
No "division" of Asus said anything initially. One clueless low-level customer service agent gave someone some wrong information, that person posted it on reddit and then tech sites spun it into clickbait, when anybody with half a brain would have guessed that the customer service agent was simply uninformed in the first place.
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Freshwater Moderator
Chrispy_Indeed. I've seen and had to replace B450 boards that couldn't handle a 3950X, even at stock.
The 6-phase on that mITX board is above average for a B450 but still far below what even cheap X570 boards have in terms of VRM and cooling.
i picked it for being one of the best ITX, but LAN parties are dead thanks to covid, so i might as well go back to ATX next round
Posted on Reply
kapone32In my experience As Rock are the best for AM4 motherboards.
I disagree. I have been using Asrock AM4 boards, but generally when you pay for their budget range, you get very bad VRM. You get decent to good VRM and specs at the higher end, but the BIOS support is not much better than other brands.
Chrispy_The problem with a lot of B450 boards is that they didn't have great VRMs. That's kind of why all of these VRM tier lists popped up and channels like Buildzoid gained popularity when Zen2 launched.

Budget B550 boards seem to have far more robust VRM phases than budget B450 boards, and mid-tier B550 boards generally surpass even flagship B450 boards when it comes to VRMs and cooling them.
The reason is because when B450 was introduced, it only needs to accommodate 8 cores Zen+ processors. WIth Zen 2 and surely extends to Zen 3, there are more cores, higher power requirements. Which is why B550 boards need to have better VRM phases. This is the drawback of supporting too many future gen processors.
Posted on Reply
watzupkenI disagree. I have been using Asrock AM4 boards, but generally when you pay for their budget range, you get very bad VRM. You get decent to good VRM and specs at the higher end, but the BIOS support is not much better than other brands.

As much as Youtube makes it seem that VRMS matter it really is not as big a deal as it seems. As Rock is no different than MSI or Gigabyte when it comes to budget boards but when you have a VRM that can deliver 480 Watts vs 250 Watts on a CPU that pulls 50 to 60 Watts at the most, what difference does it make? Even the MSI X570 Pro which Hardware Unboxed berated (thanks you made the board cheaper than most B550 boards) easily handles 4.3 GHZ on my 3600 but as I said I see a maximum of 60 Watts in HWinfo. I also have an AIO attached to the CPU so there is no active cooling on the VRMS either. I do see 60 C on the VRMS in HWinfo but that is not even a worry.
Posted on Reply
The whole point of releasing a support for 400 series motherboards for the new cpu line up early next year is so now you have to buy 500 series motherboards. If you point a finger at AMD for being greedy, they will just point out wait a while and you can use your 400 series mobo which a competitor does not do. Clever and cheeky at the same time.
Posted on Reply
TurmaniaThe whole point of releasing a support for 400 series motherboards for the new cpu line up early next year is so now you have to buy 500 series motherboards. If you point a finger at AMD for being greedy, they will just point out wait a while and you can use your 400 series mobo which a competitor does not do. Clever and cheeky at the same time.
But 500 series Motherboards have been available since July 2019?
Posted on Reply
"This original report was based on incorrect information."

I wonder what that means: the customer lied or the support had no clues?
Posted on Reply
TurmaniaThe whole point of releasing a support for 400 series motherboards for the new cpu line up early next year is so now you have to buy 500 series motherboards. If you point a finger at AMD for being greedy, they will just point out wait a while and you can use your 400 series mobo which a competitor does not do. Clever and cheeky at the same time.
Each company's focus is directed to the dedicated support product and the new releasing product. In this case Ryzen 5000 series and 500 series motherboards to avoid any problems and issues. The 400 series motherboards will be up and running the 5000 series at the beginning of the next year to avoid problems on the 400 series motherboards with the new Ryzens since people tend to complain that the bios updates are shit. Also the main focus is the buyers that will go for the 500 series board and 5000 series because that's the main focus. Support for 400 series boards is a bonus and a bow towards the customers that bought the earlier Ryzen products.
I'm seriously just waiting till someone complains that the 500 and 400 series motherboards are not supporting Intel processors. Jeez people.
Posted on Reply
B-Real"This original report was based on incorrect information."

I wonder what that means: the customer lied or the support had no clues?
Fake news starts like that.
Posted on Reply
FouquinOh oh, mememe! Bought my X370 in June 2017 and still using it with a 3600X. Nearly 3.5 years on a single board, haven't had that longevity since AM2+ and LGA775.
I hope I will be able to use a 5600 on my X370 Gaming X !
Posted on Reply
B-Real"This original report was based on incorrect information."

I wonder what that means: the customer lied or the support had no clues?
Support had no clue, but to be honest this is not support's responsibility to answer as the CPU is not even released yet. Rep made a mistake, but its silly to ask support these kinds of questions at this point IMO...
Posted on Reply
ratirtEach company's focus is directed to the dedicated support product and the new releasing product. In this case Ryzen 5000 series and 500 series motherboards to avoid any problems and issues. The 400 series motherboards will be up and running the 5000 series at the beginning of the next year to avoid problems on the 400 series motherboards with the new Ryzens since people tend to complain that the bios updates are shit. Also the main focus is the buyers that will go for the 500 series board and 5000 series because that's the main focus. Support for 400 series boards is a bonus and a bow towards the customers that bought the earlier Ryzen products.
I'm seriously just waiting till someone complains that the 500 and 400 series motherboards are not supporting Intel processors. Jeez people.
There is also the fact that the reason we are not getting new boards is this is just a CPU launch, why? It is the last AM4 CPU as AMD has said from 2017. I just hope that we see way more PCIe lanes on AM5.
Posted on Reply
kapone32There is also the fact that the reason we are not getting new boards is this is just a CPU launch, why? It is the last AM4 CPU as AMD has said from 2017. I just hope that we see way more PCIe lanes on AM5.
The change in the socket better bring some new stuff and I'm sure it will. There's no point for a change when there's nothing more than a pci-e from 3 to 4 version.
If AMD releases new AM5 socket, I'm sure it will be occupied by more new stuff. There will be more lanes, maybe PCI-e 5 and maybe new ram memory :D
I'd like to see the last one.
Just a CPU launch. It always brings Intel in the perspective. basically each CPU launch consisted a new board and new chipset. Even though, the chipset didn't bring anything new in comparison to the previous version. And if it did bring something new, it wasn't even worth mentioning.
Posted on Reply
No need to upgrade. AMD fans said Zen, Zen+ and Zen2 was gud enuff!
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ZoneDymoVery disappointed in many of you, dear lord what Drama queens
Well at least we know one company man..
Posted on Reply
Dave65Well at least we know one company man..
Pretty sure he's the one that didn't jump on the bandwagon with a pitchfork at the ready, as he said, drama queens all those sheep that fell for the headline.
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